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Renato Galhardi
27 mar 20231 Min. de lectura
Presenting at “Migration Working Group: Migrant agency”, CERC - Toronto Metropolitan University
On Tuesday, March 28, 2023, I will be partaking in the invigorating discussion of the “The Canada Excellence Research Chair in Migration...
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Renato Galhardi
25 mar 20231 Min. de lectura
Entrevista en “México nuevo, México intercultural”, radio Ciudadana 660 am.
A principios de marzo de este año, tuve la muy bonita y afortunada oportunidad de platicar con Mauricio Hernández, conductor del programa...
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Renato Galhardi
27 feb 20235 Min. de lectura
ChatGPT generated post: "Write a blog post for"
I asked several ChatGpT programs to write a blog post for my website using the following input: "Write a blog post for...
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Renato Galhardi
25 ene 20231 Min. de lectura
Nueva publicación en la Revisa Hoja de El Bosque. Artículo sobre género, migración y sistema-mundo
El día de hoy me llegó la grata noticia de que un artículo, pequeño pero sustancioso, que escribí hace un par de años, había sido...
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Renato Galhardi
19 ene 20232 Min. de lectura
Ponencia en Seminario Internacional “Retos globales contemporáneos: el fenómeno migratorio” UNAM
Empezamos el 2023 con esta muy grata y fructífera actividad. Qué gusto fue participar, el miércoles, 18 de enero, en el Seminario...
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Renato Galhardi
3 ene 20231 Min. de lectura
Miembro del Grupo de Trabajo "Estudios críticos en materpaternidades" de CLACSO 2023-2025
Es con mucha satisfacción que anuncio mi incorporación al Grupo de Trabajo"Estudios críticos en materpaternidades" del Consejo...
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Renato Galhardi
19 dic 20222 Min. de lectura
"Territories of migrancy..." - article published with the International Journal of Cultural Studies
After almost 10 months of arduous work, several major revisions, a few rounds of minor revisions, an article I began working on at the...
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Renato Galhardi
13 dic 20223 Min. de lectura
10 week seminar: Feminist Research Methodologies and Digital Feminist Research, The New School
Every Monday, from October 3rd to December 12th, Dr. Pelin Yalçinoglu Kaplan and Dr. Asli Kotaman welcomed us into a 90-minute session of...
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Renato Galhardi
18 nov 20221 Min. de lectura
Session organizer and presenter at the 2023 Latin American Studies Association, May 24-27, Vancouver
In the morning of mid-November 2022, I received the news that my paper "Embodying the deported spectacle in Tijuana. The lived...
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Renato Galhardi
5 oct 20222 Min. de lectura
Presentando en el VIII Congreso Nacional de Ciencias Sociales, Ciudad de México, 7-11 de noviembre22
Es con gran entusiasmo que adelanto la noticia que presentaré en el VIII Congreso Nacional de Ciencias Sociales, Ciudad de México, que se...
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Renato Galhardi
20 ago 20224 Min. de lectura
Honored to be a commencement speaker to the '22 incoming graduate students at Uni. Iberoamericana
It is an honor to be invited to give a commencement speech to the new generations of graduate students of the Universidad Iberoamericana...
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Renato Galhardi
18 ago 202230 Min. de lectura
Welcome Back. After 17 years since my last visit to the United States, I return, this time to LA
Welcome Back. After 17 years since my last visit to the United States, I attended the 117th The American Sociological Association...
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Renato Galhardi
17 ago 20222 Min. de lectura
Presenting at the CERC Migration Working Group - Toronto Metro Univ, March 28, 2023
During my attendance at the American Sociological Association this past August (see blog entry 1 and 2), I received the great new of...
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Renato Galhardi
17 ago 202216 Min. de lectura
First-time attending the 117th American Sociological Association Conf, 5-9 Aug 22, Los Angeles.
(Part 1 here) Day 4/8. Friday, 5 august 2022 I wake up anxious to “get things going”. Afterall, my whole reason for being in LA is to...
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Renato Galhardi
15 ago 202215 Min. de lectura
A preamble to 117th The American Sociological Association Conference, 5-9 Aug 2022, Los Angeles
Preamble: setting the stage. Day 1/8. Tuesday, 2 august 2022 I attended my first American Sociological Association conference this past...
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Renato Galhardi
13 jul 20221 Min. de lectura
Short history of immigration detention infographic by Freedom for Immigrants
Freedom for Immigrants is devoted to abolishing immigration detention, while ending the isolation of people currently suffering in this ...
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Renato Galhardi
13 jul 20221 Min. de lectura
"What Part of Legal Immigration Don’t You Understand?" by Mike Flynn and Shikha Dalmia
What Part of Legal Immigration Don’t You Understand?Mike Flynn and Shikha Dalmia Illustrated by Terry Colon Reason magazine, October 2008...
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Renato Galhardi
13 jul 20221 Min. de lectura
A sample of 1979-1983 photographs of the Mex-US border from Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection
From the Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection: San Ysidro Port of Entry,...
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Renato Galhardi
13 jul 20221 Min. de lectura
“Best of Luck with the Wall” — a short film and commentary
Josh Begley published a riveting article in The Intercept, on October 26, 2016, which opens with a stunning short video by Begley himself...
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Renato Galhardi
6 jul 20222 Min. de lectura
Presenting at the American Sociological Association 2022 conf., in the ASA Intern. Mig. roundtable.
I am overjoyed to have been accepted to present at the American Sociological Association 2022 conference, in the International Migration...
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