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Recent publications

  • Galhardi, R. de A. A. (2022). Territories of migrancy and meaning: The emotional politics of borderscapes in the lives of deported Mexican men in Tijuana. International Journal of Cultural Studies, 0(0).



This article discusses how Mexican deportees find meaning and negotiate their agency in the borderscape and borderland of Tijuana, Mexico. Established through vice tourism, Tijuana has figured prominently as a site for expressions of migrancy. Within the expressions of migrancy, deported migrants find themselves in constant states of in-betweenness in systems of mediation. Through in-depth interviews with deported Mexican men living in temporary male-centric shelters, I identify and examine the issues of mobility ‘through the body’ of deported migrants, highlighting the politics of emotions, of being, and of seeing. Through analysis of the phenomenology of migration through Tijuana, I highlight the overreaching situated positions of permanent temporality mediating the lives of deported Mexican men. This perspective, therefore, sheds a necessary light on an often overlooked and marginalized condition of the migrant population.

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Galhardi, R. de A. A. (2022). Territories of migrancy and meaning: The emotional politics of borderscapes in the lives of deported Mexican men in Tijuana. International Journal of Cultural Studies, 0(0).

Parallel Lines

Galhardi, Renato A. A. (2022). La masculinidad en las entrañas de Tijuana: Las vidas desoladas de los deportados, Revista Con la A, no. 82, julio de 2022

Colorful Masks


Routed Magazine, Issue 17, 23 october 2021

The habitus of migrancy in Mexican migration | Routed Magazine

Migrancy is a ubiquitous concept in migration analysis. But what do scholars mean when they use migrancy? And, maybe more importantly, what is migrancy? By retracing the meanings embedded in the first usages of migrancy, it becomes clear that migrancy is something more than another expression for migration with important implications for migration analysis. Migrancy is something that the body feels and expresses, and a fundamental aspect of the experience of migration. To think of migrancy is to think of the habits and structures (habitus) of the embodied experience of migration. Thinking ‘through’ this narrative can increase our understanding, as well as our sensibilities, about the plight of migrants. 

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Mexico-United States migration research rarely use the concept migrancy and migration analysis has often used migrancy “out of context”. By reviewing the usages of migrancy, I argue that migrancy is better understood as the embodiment of the experience of migration. I reason that the experience of migration is best captured through intersectional analysis.By addressing gender, ethnicity and class, migrancy can recapture migrant agency and bridge the gap between micro and macro analysis. Within the Mexico-United States migratory field, I argue that migrancy is a powerful concept that addresses the structuring forces that shape migrant experiences without sacrificing migrant agency.

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otoño de 2013

Pocas tecnologías modernas han logrado cambiar de forma tan radical la relación social como internet lo ha hecho. En un poco más de dos décadas, internet ha reemplazado, revitalizado y radicalmente cambiado la formas de comunicación del tejido de la sociedad moderna, creando, como bien lo detalló Manuel Castells, una sociedad red, una “red de redes” (2001). La realidad que nos encontramos está sumamente influenciada, relacionada y manipulada por esta tecnología disruptiva (Christensen y Bower, 1995). Es dentro de una nueva revolución de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC), con la expansión, popularización y penetración de internet en el tejido de cada vez más sociedades y realidades, que nuestra con-figuración social incorpora, de forma expansionista, una amplitud de herramientas de comunicación raramente concebidas antes. Es-tamos hablando de una transformación radical, tanto en términos de la forma de la comunicación como en términos de la forma de relacionarnos. Las teorías clásicas y tradicionales de la esfera sociológica, como son la interacción simbólica, la fenomenología, la psicología social, entre otras, se encuentran testadas por estos nuevos entornos y referentes.

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